It's been just over a week since Sky's surgery. Sky is doing very well. Her appetite and energy level increases each day. Evenings seem to be the hardest for her. She is often sore, overtired, and just generally wiped out, but it's nothing compared to those first few days following surgery! Her incisions seem to be healing well. She does have one area of increased redness and I am just watching it for now. She goes to her pediatrician on thursday to have the chest tube stitch removed. She's a bit nervous about that, but ready to get rid of it.
I'm a bit tired myself. Her sleep schedule is totally off. She's going to bed at 1am and waking a few times. Neither of us have had a full nights sleep since this all happened. I suspect that will change soon as I have woken her early the last two days. Fingers crossed.
I'm finding it difficult being home all day. I feel guilty for not being at school or work! But I know I am right where I need to be. Luckily, work and school have been very understanding about the situation, not that either had a choice really. I haven't actually looked into it but I assume I am covered under the Family and Medical Act... so I can take 12 weeks off in one year to care for a sick child. Yay! Job security! As far as school... blah... I am so far behind, or at least I feel like I am. I still haven't taken test 3 and the final is a week from Thursday. My professor told me not to worry and that I can take both tests the night of the final. I, of course, don't want to do that. I plan on returning to school on Thur and will ask to take the third exam before class. I haven't even opened a book since the day the school nurse called to tell me Sky was having chest pains! At this point I just need to cram to pass. I'm usually totally against that, I study to remember it, but not this time. So cramming session begins today!
I don't know how long Sky will be out of school. I'm thinking she'll return after Christmas vacation, though I may take her in for a half day next week. I'll just stay with her in case it's too much. We have tons of homework to keep us busy. She is looking forward to "playing school" with me. I, on the other hand, am having "are you smarter than a second grader" anxiety! At least I can contact her teacher if I get confused... hey, you'd be surprised at how confusing her school work can get. They don't teach math the way they used to (but that's a whole other blog!)
So that's recovery in a nutshell. Sky is getting better with each passing day and I am looking forward to things settling down and life returning back to normal. I hope we don't have to go through this again for a long, long, time!
Thanks for checking in on us!
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