So there I was, laying in bed, thinking about Sky's pacemaker and it dawned on me... we have it all wrong! See, Sky was having chest pain prior to the surgery, in fact, it is what landed us in the hospital in the first place. We went to Children's hospital and just happened to find out the LV lead was not working. We assumed that was the source of pain (from an arrhythmia). We turned off the pacer and all pains went away. During the surgery we fixed a non-functioning LV lead, but that was never the source of the pain! The RA lead, whether from pacing, sensing, or just it's position, is and always was, the culprit. This is not a new pain, it's just a continuation of the Pre-surgical pain! Eureka!
Sky's atrial lead has an elevated impedance (total opposition to current flow blah blah) of over 2500 ohms which is suggestive of a fractured lead or loose screw (those are the top 2 anyway). I can't help but wonder if something was overlooked?
The plan was to go back to the doctors on Tue and have him turn one lead on at a time to find out which one was causing pain. I'm sure they will stick to that plan just to make sure it is the RA lead. I'm fine with that.
And yes, I emailed the doctors just now to tell them my thoughts... I did it nicely even. I also told them, "I know I am a pain in the ass but I make up for it by being an awesome mommy!"
Dr. House would be pleased! I now coin you "Nurse Brick House"... It's a fine name, now isn't it?
Love, #3 =)
Oh she's a brick, house.... she's mighty mighty, just letting her knowledge hang out, oh she's a nurse, brickhouse, she's mighty feisty, just letting her knowledge hang out.
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