I'm not going crazy, right?
1/18/11 This is the day the PM was turned back on to VDD mode to see if pain stops (atrial lead was "shut off." It senses but does not pace.
8pm she choked on her food
9pm Complains pacemaker in belly feels weird. "Like someone is scribbling back and forth"
School nurse emailed me the following- Skyler came in @ 10:45 to report she had felt several quick sharp pains while taking a test sitting at her desk. She pointed to an area 3 cm to the right distal end of her sternal incision. (PM site) It was slightly tender to palpation. The area that had hurt was between her ribs and my fingers- so it was not deep. Her pulse was nice and regular at 80, and the pain did not increase with movement or breathing.
4pm complained of left neck pain. Described it as "someone stabbing me"
7:30pm complained of feeling dizzy. When asked to describe the feeling she said, "like my feet aren't on the ground"
Seems more easily fatigued than last week, but it is not interfering with her daily activities. She just needs more time to recoup after being active. Also received an email from her teacher stating the same.
She has not had any left chest pain.
Came in from sledding at 1:00 and complained of feeling dizzy "like feeling wiggly"
nurse emailed me about sky being dizzy;
Sky came to me @ 11: 40 am stating she felt dizzy and unsteady when she was eating lunch. No Chest pain. Her HR was 72, slightly irregular. Her BP was 100/60 sitting, standing it was 96/58, her HR went up a bit to 82. She looks good, it resolved quickly and I did a discreet neuro exam and did not see anything unusual. I have her eating some saltines (she said her sandwich didn't taste good) and also gave her some juice. Let me know if there is anything else you would like me to do/look for. Its indoor recess today.
nurse emailed me;
She has been with me for 20 mins, she had an episode of dizziness while seated, then came and saw me. HR 82 and regular. then her neck began to hurt. BP is 102/60, no change with standing. Started @ 12:45 PM. Her neck hurts, she gives it a 10. It is not going away and we have done rest and juice. Let me know how to proceed from here.
(I picked her up from school)
choked while drinking juice in the am. Complained of being dizzy after dinner.
Email from school nurse
Sky is having some dizzy episodes. she had one at lunch but went to indoor recess as it was mild, but during indoor recess she felt very tired and dizzy and came to see me (11:55 am) HR was 84, slightly irregular, slightly pale. BP 98/68, no change with standing, her HR did go up to 100. She did experience some discomfort in upper chest wall bilaterally at that time. That has resolved.She wants to go back to class, I walked her down and she will come back or they will call me if she does not feel well again. She was more animated with the pink back in her cheeks when I brought her back.
I am definitely NOT a crazy psycho mom.... even though I often feel that way.
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